Huwebes, Hulyo 19, 2012


Many of us loves to travel and have a pleasant vacation in the countryside or in the beach. Because of our hype excitement, we tend to forget many important things and that may sometimes lead to the unenjoyable stay or vacation.

That is why, it is advisable to do the following before going on a trip. These are:
  • Plan at least 3 months ahead before going to a trip.
  • know where you are going. It can be on the beach or the mountain resorts.
  • Make sure that you bring enough supplies like food, drinks and most important, medicines.
  • Tell your friends and family where you are going. It pays to let others know where you are than nobody knows where to locate you.
  • Bring only nthings that you will be needing. Excess baggage can be very costly when you are on a trip.
  • Depending on the number of days, always make sure that you bring extra things like clothes and shoes. You will never know when you will need them.
  • Divide the things that you are bringing among the people who are coming.
  • Know where you are going to stay in the place where you are going. Book for hotels or resorts as early as possible to avoid the no accommodation in the place.
With these tips, you are assured that you are prepared and confident when you go on vacation. Von Voyage!

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